
Project Details
- Pre-Sale PriceEthereum
- Public Sale Price0.03 Ethereum
- Collection Count2505 items
- CategoryCollectible
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STATUS project presents an avant-garde NFT collection that sets a benchmark for digital status symbols in the modern world. Unlike established NFT collections, such as CryptoPunks and BAYC, which were not originally designed as digital status symbols, STATUS project represents a step forward in the NFT space. We are focused on creating digital status symbols from day one. Furthermore, STATUS NFT collection diverges from the conventional path of featuring PFPs and instead consists of artworks in the Suprematism art style. STATUS project creates not only a benchmark for digital status symbols but also a foundation for other projects to utilize STATUS NFTs. To foster the development and growth of the STATUS ecosystem, the STATUS Treasury will issue grants to blockchain projects that develop products on top of the STATUS base layer. Our goal is to create social status symbols that can be widely utilized in the digital world. Importantly, STATUS experiment provides a unique opportunity to explore the importance of social status symbols in the digital asset realm. By introducing a collection of digital status symbols, this initiative offers a new approach to understanding the place of NFTs in the modern social hierarchy and invites everyone to participate in the contemporary status game in a novel and engaging way.
Mint Date

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